Making money online through a website or a blog is a very lucrative income.
It only takes some of the things to monetize the blog or the website with Google Adsense.
Before we see how does google Adsense gets connected with your site we definitely should
know what Google Adsense is.
How does it work?
How do bloggers get paid?
In this article, I’m going to mention all tips, steps, and strategies that must be followed to get approved, by the way, it is all about making money online as a blogger.
Furthermore, a blogger means a person who regularly writes articles and materials for blogs or websites. Both blogs or websites are powered either by WordPress or After creating a blog, customizing a theme, and posting articles, it is time probably comes to start earning money by google Adsense; customizing a theme, and posting articles, it is time probably comes to start earning money by google Adsense; These advertisements are administered, sorted, and maintained by Google.
Connecting a blog with Google Adsense is not like monetizing a YouTube channel. It is becoming well known that Google Adsense requires YouTubers to have 1000 subscribers and 4000 watch hours to request their channel to be reviewed. But, the matter is totally different when it comes to bloggers.
There are no specific conditions that force bloggers to have due requesting their website, while it should be that everyone has unique content.
That means probably the content must be non-copyrighted, therefore, a blogger should write their own articles with body language understood, well organized, and easy to be navigated by visitors.
The content must contain a number of pages that lead to up to 15 articles including the contact, the privacy policy, the terms and condition, the banners, and the page about this blog. The article should contain above 600 words.
Bloggers must avoid posting any content or articles relevant to violence that could involve: adults, nudity, drugs, weapons, and in addition to the videos and images also must not be copyrighted.
Bloggers ought to have visitors and audiences that browse and navigate the blog. For example, 100 daily visitors could persuade Google AdSense to approve your request very quickly.
How does Google Adsense pay you?
Google AdSense works by serving ads that are relevant to the content appearing on a specific page of your blog. As the owner of the site where the ad is appearing, AdSense pays you when a user views or interacts with an ad. It is called getting paid by EPC. Earnings per click (EPC) is a special metric in affiliate marketing that shows the average amount of revenue you earn each time someone clicks on the ad. This indicator is very important for working with CPA networks which technically means the average amount you've been charged for conversion from your ad. Average cost per action (CPA) is calculated by dividing the total cost of conversions by the total number of conversions, as it allows you to find out the level of income.
Things you must know about the payment
Google Adsense will pay when your earnings reach $100 monthly by the 20th of next month.
Get informed that Google charges advertisers on the basis of ad clicks. For the publisher (blog owners), they will get 68% of the click amount.